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Files 2 Grievances Against Correctional Officers

Rob Will

Updated: Apr 9, 2021

Rob sent this through our dear friend, Irene, to be published here. It’s the two complaints he’s filed against officers that are treating him and other inmates excessively.

Here are the Reports:

Texas Department of Criminal Justice


Offender Name: Robert G. Will TDCJ #: 999402

Unit: Polunsky 054 Housing Assignment: 12 AF-83

Unit where incident occurred: Polunsky

You must try to resolve your problems with a staff member before you submit a formal complaint. The only exception is when appealing the results of a disciplinary hearing.

Who did you talk to (name, title)? Lt. Kenneth E. Hutto

When? 11-7-05 Monday

What was their response? I could beat your fucking head in if I wanted to!

What action was taken? Lt. Hutto continued to threaten me.

State your grievance in the space provided. Please state who, what, when, where and disciplinary case number if appropriate.

On Monday, 11-7-05, at approximately 7 a.m. I was escorted back from dental by Officer Julie E. Hindsman and Officer Cook. In the 12 Building hallway, I conducted a non-violent 1-man sit-in (i.e., I sat down and refused to move). Seeing that a situation was at hand, Officers Coker and Periogo (?) came to the scene. Sgt. Smith and Sgt. Johnny A. Thompson arrived shortly after, followed by Lt. Kenneth E. Hutto. Mr. Hutto appeared extremely agitated, and exclaimed to me: You must wanna get your ass kicked. I explained to Mr. Hutto that I wasn't trying to disrespect him or do anything personal to him. The conversation continued and Lt. Hutto said, I could beat your fucking head in if I wanted to. After this series of sadistic threats, a minor use of force occurred and I was carried back to my cell. I remained calm and completely respectful the entire time. After the camera was turned off, several minutes later, Lt. Hutto came to my cell door with a look of malice and sadistic intent in his eyes. He threatened me again and said, You better never do any shit like that again. I remained respectful and asked him why he was threatening me when I hadn't done anything personal to him. Mr. Huttos threats continued . . . The last Lt. besides Mr. Hutto who threatened me was Lt. Stephen D. Bryant. (See my grievance submitted 10-25-05.) Mr. Bryant attempted to act on his threats on 11-1-05 when I was involved in a major use of force in which chemical agents were deployed. I was excessively gassed 3 times, once directly in the face, and after I said I would peacefully come out Mr. Bryant still attempted to roll the door. (I locked it, so he wasn't able to assault me like he wished to do.) Due to the extremely oppressive & sadistic gang-like mentality that the new staff have, I can only assume that Mr. Hutto is planning on carrying out his threat, like Mr. Bryant attempted to do. In the interest of the safety & security of the institution and the prisoner population, I respectfully request that Lt. Kenneth E. Hutto (and all other staff) discontinue their violent and aggressive behavior.

Action Requested to resolve your Complaint.

I respectfully request that Lt. Hutto (and all other staff) discontinue their violent and aggressive behavior.

cc: file, F.W.

Offender Signature: Robert G. Will, II (signed)

Date: Submitted 11-9-05________________________________________Texas Department of Criminal Justice


Offender Name: Robert G. Will TDCJ #: 999402

Unit: Polunsky 054 Housing Assignment: 12 AF-83

Unit where incident occurred: Polunsky

You must try to resolve your problems with a staff member before you submit a formal complaint. The only exception is when appealing the results of a disciplinary hearing.

Who did you talk to (name, title)? Lt. Richie, Officers Davison, Fisher & Bounds, Sgt. Brown

When? 11-26-2005

What was their response? I was told that I was not allowed to rec. or shower.

What action was taken? Staff refused to allow me to recreate or shower.

State your grievance in the space provided. Please state who, what, when, where and disciplinary case number if appropriate.

On 11-21-05, I was involved in a minor use of force incident. I sat down on the run and refused to move. Sgt. Earl Brown and Lt. Justin Richie came to the scene of the incident. This was the last day of their 4-day shift. Sgt. Brown informed me that [His] Officers didn't have to take [me] out of [my] cell and that Lt. Richie explained that [He] only [has] to give [me] what [he] wants to give [me]. Despite these threats — issued in attempt to sway me into going back to my cell — I refused to do so. I was then forcefully placed into my cell by the team. Today, Saturday, 11-26-05, was the first day back for the Lt. Richies card. (It should be noted that I haven't caught any disciplinary cases in the last 4 days.) Today, Officers Bounds & Fisher told me that Lt. Richie ordered them to not let me out of my cell for anything. I asked Officer Davidson if he could call rank and see what the problem was. He told me he would when he got the time to. A little while later, Officer Davidson came over the speaker and told me that he just talked to Sgt. Henderson and Sgt. Hendersons said that you aren't allowed to rec. or shower on this shift anymore — Lt. Richies orders. The officers then falsified the rec. and shower sheet by writing down that I V.R. (verbally refused) my shower and recreation. Lt. Richie ordered his officers to retaliate against me for my non-violent and peaceful act of simply sitting down on the run on 11-21-05. Lt. Richies actions are a direct assault on my health and well-being, and are in violation of various state and federal laws as well as ACA standards and TDCJ-ID policy. Thank you for your time.

Turned in 11-28-05

Action Requested to resolve your Complaint.

I respectfully request that Lt. Justin Richie immediately discontinue his overly oppressive and assaultive behavior and no longer order his officers to falsify documents and unjustly refuse peoples rights to recreation and shower. Thank you for your time. CC: File, W.F.

Offender Signature: Robert G. Will, II (signed)

Date: 11-26-05________________________________

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