As a world citizen I believe that all people of the Earth deserve UNIVERSAL Human Rights.
As a dedicated anti-death penalty prisoner and Human Rights activist my fundamental goals and objectives are ensuring that all of Humanity is granted those Rights, which include:
An end to racism
Steady employment
Safe working conditions
Socio-economic stability
Clean drinking water
Viable social programs
Freedom of religious expression
Right of self-determination
Gender equality
Adequate housing
Proper health care
Abolition of the death penalty
Right of cultural expression
Meaningful education
Environmental protection
An end to hunger
Rehabilitation instead of imprisonment
Right of sexual preference
Peaceful coexistence
An end to militarization and war
Abolition of all forms of oppression
I stand in DIRECT opposition to those who force oppression upon others. Though I'm one man being unjustly held captive on Texas death row, I humbly extend my LOVE, SOLIDARITY, and DEDICATION to all who advance thee Struggle for Equality and peaceful coexistence of mankind. Being conscious of the need for social change as illustrated in the above-mentioned goals and objectives inaction is nothing less than blatant consent to oppression and injustice. I REFUSE to consent. Through progressive thought and DIRECT action I will remain relentless in the Fight to achieve Universal Human Rights FOR ALL!
Rob Will