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Protest Update By Rob Will and James Broadnax

Rob Will

Updated: Apr 27, 2021

“Settle your quarrels, come together, understand the reality of our situation, understand that fascism is already here, that people are already dying who could be saved, that generations more will die or live poor butchered half-lives if you fail to act. Do what must be done, discover your humanity and your love in revolution.”

George Jackson, Soledad Brother

In  the  Heat  Of  Intense  Protest

Egypt. Tunisia. Libya. Wisconsin.—The spirit of righteous protest against oppression has swept across these lands and others.  This spirit, this beautiful sense-enlivening spirit of resistance has greatly invigorated the collective worldwide social justice movement—and this brilliantly inspiring spirit is alive and thriving here on Texas Death Row. We are in the heat of intense protest.

I’m writing from a maelstrom, writing in the midst of bedlam. I need to get some rest but first I must scribe out a short update. To list the number of direct actions we have been engaging in would take far too long, but we’ve conducted demonstrations daily for over 2 weeks. People have been repeatedly tear-gassed and beaten and things are extremely  intense—but also quite beautiful! Earlier J.B. and I went to the outside rec yard and when our rec was over he stepped out of the cage and conducted a sit-in. I was right behind him and still inside the other rec cage so when the incident camera came it was videotaping me along with him. We gave a sort of joint protest speech vibing off each other’s energy; energy in a spoken word type of style. I included the above quote from George Jackson in my protest speech as J.B. was carried back to his cell by a team of officers.

At the end of this I will include a short piece written by J.B. (James Broadnax). Let him know what you think of his righteous involvement in this struggle. You can post messages and I will forward them to him or you can contact him yourself. There is much more information about people involved and actions we’ve engaged in and will engage in that I will post soon. I’ve been without all of my property for 2 weeks and whew, too much to write about now. It’s almost 4 A.M. and shift change will be at 5:30 A.M. and there is work to be done before then. I had one picture on my wall, a picture of one of the most beautiful women on the planet Earth, Asmaa Mafouz. An ultra-right wing Glenn Beck type ripped it down and destroyed it. Inspiration!

In the Spirit of Tahir!

Rob Will

April 24, ’11

Greetings brothers and sisters, and everyone involved in the struggle. I come in regards and with respect of peace and blessings to you all. I know you don’t know me, some of you may know of me, but allow me to give a more formal introduction of myself…

I am “JB” but my gov. name is James Broadnax and I write you today from inside Texas Death Row. I’m twenty-two years of age and hopefully I’ll be blessed to see twenty-three the end of October. I was convicted and sentenced to death in Dallas on reasons and terms that were more “political” and “unlawful” than they were righteous. But, I’m not sending this message to state facts and claims of my case.  I’m sending this message to try and shed more light on a system that strongly resembles a caricature—a distortion of what’s supposed to be. I’m sending this to inform you why I decided to join this non-violent protest along with my fellow brothers in white!

Since I’ve been here (Sept. 2, ’09), the situation and living conditions on “the row” has went from bad to worse. If you’ve ever heard or used the phrase, “it can always be/get worse,” believe it my friend because that’s what we have been subjugated to in this confinement. Now, the certain ways in which we try to stimulate our time in a positive manner is to read, write, draw, and exercise; that’s if we’re not “jacked” for our recreation to a dayroom which is not much bigger than the cell I’ve been locked in 23 hours a day. A lot of those activities I do engage in—reading, writing poetry and such, and drawing and exercise. Some of which gives me a sense of “release” and also relaxation. But, due to the circumstances, constantly being oppressed eventually starts to take its toll on the strongest individuals.

This inferior situation is past inhumane, because they treat us like we’re not human, call us the “living dead.” From the way we’re fed, to the constant isolation, to the habitual harassment and being ‘gassed,’ to them simply neglecting to follow policy—the rules in which they put in place! When is enough?! Or will it ever fit to their satisfaction? At this rate…no! I think not. It’s time for change and with change comes growth. I’ve made the decision to take a stand and protest my brothers and sisters. Not because my friend Rob Will or other solid brothers decided to make a stand. No, not because I got bored and said, “…well, just because.” I’m doing this and struggling for a righteous endeavor because I feel convicted to and still have integrity, dignity, self-respect, and values about myself!

And even though we all chose for our own reasons, we still struggle together, all as one for a righteous cause. They say to hope is to live and to be aware is to be alive. Our main objective is to raise awareness of our protest in this struggle, and if possible, end the madness called death row! So, I ask you all, in solidarity of myself, and my fellow Brothers of the Struggle, stand with us. Lend us your heart, mind, land loyalty as we strive together to overcome the wrongfulness of thus systematic outrage. Dare to be a struggler with and for a righteous cause to help some individuals who still have hearts and plenty of good-willed intentions.

I am in and a part of a non-violent protest to better our situation as a whole and fight against the injustice of the death penalty, my brothers and sisters. I would like to conclude this with a quote from Huey P. Newton:

“Politics is war without bloodshed, and war is politics with bloodshed.”

I leave you all in hopes that you’ll decide to join our struggle. Be blessed.



Contact me at:

James Broadnax

Polunsky Unit

3872 FM 350 South

Livingston, Texas 77351

Or e-mail me by going to:

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